logrotate.bat - Windowsのバッチファイルでログローテート


@echo off
:: logrotate.bat - Log rotation for windows
:: Usage: logrotate.bat filename maxfilecount [maxfilesize]
:: filename : The file name to rotate.
:: maxfilecount: Number of backup files.
:: maxfilesize : Rotated if the size of file exceeds specified size.
:: (Default is 0. Unit notation is available (K, M and G))
:: Example:
:: logrotate.bat path\to\file 1
:: The file is renamed to path\to\file.1.
:: The file path\to\file.1 is deleted if exists.
:: logrotate.bat path\to\file 100 128
:: The file is rotated from path\to\file.1 to file\to\file.100
:: if the size exeeds 128 bytes.
:: logrotate.bat path\to\file 10 10M
:: The file is rotated from path\to\file.1 to file\to\file.10
:: if the size exeeds 10 Mega-bytes.
:: Copyright © 2015 Urin. Licensed under MIT.
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
if "%~1" == "" (exit /b 1) else (set file=%~1)
if "%~2" == "" (exit /b 1) else (set /a maxfilecount=%~2)
if "%~3" == "" (set /a maxfilesize=0) else (set /a maxfilesize=%~3)
if not "%maxfilesize%" == "%maxfilesize:K=%" (
set /a maxfilesize=%maxfilesize:K= * 1024%
if not "%maxfilesize%" == "%maxfilesize:M=%" (
set /a maxfilesize=%maxfilesize:M= * 1048576%
if not "%maxfilesize%" == "%maxfilesize:G=%" (
set /a maxfilesize=%maxfilesize:G= * 1073741824%
if exist "%file%" (
for %%F in ("%file%") do (
set filename=%%~nxF
set size=%%~zF
if !size! geq %maxfilesize% (
for /l %%i in (%maxfilecount%,-1,2) do (
set /a old=%%i - 1
if exist "%file%.!old!" (move /y "%file%.!old!" "%file%.%%i" > nul)
rename "%file%" "!filename!.1" > nul
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set logfile="path\to\logfile.log"
logrotate.bat %logfile% 1 10K
echo The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. >> %logfile%

